Our Services

Home Healthcare
Home Hospice
Wellness For Diabetes And Hypertension

Make the best decisions for
Yourself and your loved ones

If you have questions regarding Advanced Directives, Durable Power of Health Care and more, give us a call. Access TLC has a team of staffers ready to help you obtain more information so that you can make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

Access TLC Hospice Policy

Access TLC Hospice acknowledges the legal right of qualified patients to pursue medical aid in dying for the purpose of self-administrating the medication to end their life “in a humane and dignified manner,” as the law intends. Access TLC Hospice will support patients in completing the requirements of the End-of-Life Option Act. Patients requesting medication for medical aid in dying must satisfy all the requirements of the End-of-Life Option Act to obtain a prescription for the medication.

The following link is provided to assist all patients and families regarding the End-of-Life Option Act.



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